Can locksmiths produce car keys without original keys?

Nowadays, we are so reliant on our cars that without our cars, many of us could not even get to work. Because of this, getting your car key lost or broken keys in the locks and ignition can be very bad.

If you don’t have a spare key, this can be very stressful. However, here’s the good news, you may get a copy of your car key without the original!

Remember to look for reliable locksmiths such as Locksmiths Cardiff Direct to ensure you are getting the best locksmiths service.


Type Of Keys

Before engaging an auto locksmith, know your type of car key and other identifications and documents such as vehicle identification number (VIN).


Normal Car Key

Identifying the type of key you’ll require is the first step to take if you find yourself in a situation where you have to have a car key created. You might only want a straightforward key cut from a regular key block if your car is an older model.


Transponder Key

Transponder keys are keys for newer and modern vehicles. It has a programmable chip that acts as a safety feature that does not allow the third party to duplicate or make car key replacements without authorization. Without the necessary programming, a transponder key would not work, even if you let a locksmith cut it.


Smart Key

A Smart key is not at all like regular keys; instead, they function as a remote. These look like a car key fob that is attached, and they can be activated via push start. It has an appearance of a small remote fob without any visible keys, however, there is a hidden key if any emergencies were to happen as a backup.

Getting a replacement key for a smart key will be the hardest among all of these


How Do I Get Replacement Car Keys without the Original Key?

An auto locksmith can make you a new set of car keys if you’ve misplaced your only car key or the original key, and they can reprogram the new key to work with your automobile.

Here are the two ways you can get your replacement car keys:

Authorized Dealership

The first method is going back to the authorized dealer to get a car key replacement. However, just a heads up, this may be very expensive as these authorized dealerships are trying to make you pay a high price for a replacement key. (especially if you need towing services)


Get An Auto Locksmith

Hiring an auto locksmith is a more cost-effective solution. Since many outside locksmiths can cut and program the exact same replacement key for a cheaper price than a dealership. So why not save your money and get the new car key for a lower price?


Documents To Prepare

Before engaging in locksmith services, there are a few things the car owner needs to prepare to ensure the identity and ownership of the car or vehicle.

Here are the documents you will need to prepare :

  • Vehicle identification number
  • Car Year
  • Make & Model
  • Registration Number 

Another crucial thing to have is your car key identification number, which could typically be included in your car’s manual. Don’t get too worried, however, as it is not always necessary information.

If you think your car keys have been taken, tell your auto locksmith. Because if your vehicle is stolen, they will need to be reprogrammed to prevent the old car keys from connecting and accessing your vehicle.


How Much Does It Cost?

It depends, if you’re talking about the dealership, then we don’t have an estimate. However, for auto locksmiths, we do have a range of £25 to £200.

The prices also depend on other factors such as vehicle models and the type of car key. Modern car keys will require some more knowledge and time such as programming to replace a new car key.


Do I Need To Take My Car To The Locksmith For Replacement Keys?

Nope! Many locksmiths offer a mobile service, meaning they may come to you and complete the work there. They will bring the required materials and tools such as key blanks and programming equipment in their vehicle.



Don’t worry, if you lost your original key, just get a replacement from your local auto locksmith!

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